About the Library:
College Library is an essential component of academic and research activities. The library provides information services to assist the Institute's teaching, learning, research, and outreach operations. The Library is actively engaged in planning and delivering need-based information services, with users at the core of its activities. The library contains a diverse range of textbooks, reference books, magazines, newspapers, question paper sets, and e-journals.
The Library has a collection of 2,000 books related to various programs and subjects offered by the institute every year.
The Library Committee is chaired by the Principal, with the librarian serving as secretary, and members including HODs from all departments, one non-teaching staff representative, and one student representative. The group is created to prepare rules, funding allocation for each department for book purchases, and proposals for improving information services.
Students, teaching and non-teaching employees, as well as society members, can become library members and access all of the library's services.
List of Online Study Material/ Resources in Open Access/ Marathi Books
Sr. No. | Name of Online Resources | Website Link |
1 | National Digital Library of India (NDLI) | www.ndl.iitkgp.ac.in/ |
2 | Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) | www.doaj.org/ |
3 | Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB) | www.doabooks.org/ |
4 | National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL) | www.nptel.ac.in/ |
5 | Shodhganga-a reservoir of Indian Theses | www.shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/ |
6 | e-PG Pathshala | www.epgp.inflibnet.ac.in/ |
7 | Open Access Thesis & Dissertations | www.oatd.org/ |
8 | Open Knowledge Repository - World Bank | www.openknowledge.worldbank.org/ |
9 | Legal Information Institute of India | www.liiofindia.org/ |
10 | The OAPEN Foundation | www.oapen.org/ |
11 | PubMed Central (PMC) | www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ |
12 | Project Gutenberg | www.dev.gutenberg.org/ |
13 | High Wire | www.highwirepress.com/ |
14 | Southern Connecticut State University | www.libguides.southernct.edu/ |
15 | AGRIS | www.agris.fao.org/ |
16 | Science Direct Open Access Content | www.sciencedirect.com/ |
17 | AidData | www.aiddata.org/ |
18 | ILOSTAT | www.ilostat.ilo.org/ |
19 | Oxford Open | www.academic.oup.com/ |
20 | Project Euclid | www.projecteuclid.org/ |
21 | Springer Open Journals | www.springeropen.com/ |
22 | Taylor & Francis Open Access | www.tandfonline.com/ |
23 | Cambridge University Press | www.cambridge.org/ |
24 | मराठी पुस्तके | www.esahity.com/ |
25 | जुने मराठी ग्रंथ | www.vishwakosh.marathi.gov.in/ |
26 | मराठी साहित्य | www.marathisahitya.com/ |
27 | महाराष्ट्र राज्य साहित्य संस्कृती मंडळ इ-पुस्तके | www.sahitya.marathi.gov.in/ |
28 | ऐतिहासिक कथा (History Stories in Marathi) | www.marathi.pratilipi.com/ |
For MPSC, UPSC & General Knowledge
Sr. No. | Name of Online Resources | Website Link |
28 | Maharashtra Public Service Commission(MPSC) | www.mpsc.gov.in/ |
29 | Union Public Service Commission(UPSC) | www.upsc.gov.in/ |
30 | GKToday | www.gktoday.in/ |
31 | eMPSC katta | www.empsckatta.blogspot.com/ |
32 | Competitive Exam Preparation | www.upscfever.com/ |
E-Newspaper List:
Library Advisory Committee:
Sr. No. | Name | Designation | Role |
1 | Mr. Preetam Gupte | Principal | Chairperson |
2 | Mr. Deepak Prajapati | Head, Dept. of IT | Member |
3 | Dr. Rupali Jadhav | Head, Dept. of Commerce & Management | Member |
4 | Mr. Kashinath Mishra | Asst. Professor | Member |
5 | Ms. Akshta Datkhile | Asst. Professor | Member |
6 | Mrs. Yamuna Gorde | Librarian | Secretary |
7 | Nidhi Yadav | Student Representative | Member |
8 | Arindam Ghosh | Student Representative | Member |