
Home  Library

Libray Sahyog College, Thane

About the Library:

College Library is an essential component of academic and research activities. The library provides information services to assist the Institute's teaching, learning, research, and outreach operations. The Library is actively engaged in planning and delivering need-based information services, with users at the core of its activities. The library contains a diverse range of textbooks, reference books, magazines, newspapers, question paper sets, and e-journals.

The Library has a collection of 2,000 books related to various programs and subjects offered by the institute every year.

The Library Committee is chaired by the Principal, with the librarian serving as secretary, and members including HODs from all departments, one non-teaching staff representative, and one student representative. The group is created to prepare rules, funding allocation for each department for book purchases, and proposals for improving information services.

Students, teaching and non-teaching employees, as well as society members, can become library members and access all of the library's services.

E-Newspaper List:

Sr. No. Name of E-Paper Link
1 Times of India (English)
2 The Indian Express
3 The Economics Times (English)
4 Dainik Bhashkar (Hindi)
5 Nabharat Times (Hindi)
6 Navabharat (Hindi)
7 Sakal (Marathi)
8 Lokmat (Marathi)
9 Loksatta (Marathi)
10 Punyanagari (Marathi)

Library Advisory Committee:

Sr. No. Name Designation Role
1 Mr. Preetam Gupte Principal Chairperson
2 Mr. Deepak Prajapati Head, Dept. of IT Member
3 Dr. Rupali Jadhav Head, Dept. of Commerce & Management Member
4 Mr. Kashinath Mishra Asst. Professor Member
5 Ms. Akshta Datkhile Asst. Professor Member
6 Mrs. Yamuna Gorde Librarian Secretary
7 Nidhi Yadav Student Representative Member
8 Arindam Ghosh Student Representative Member



  • All students must make use of the library facility to enrich their academic excellence.
  • Readers should observe strict Silence inside the Library.
  • Identity Card is compulsory to enter in the library.
  • Readers are required to make an entry in the Daily Visitor Register.
  • Readers should leave their personal belongings at baggage counter.
  • Students can borrow one book for seven days. Only twice the book will be reissued or renewed. Renewal is not permitted if the book is in demand.
  • Materials taken for reading are to be returned back at the counter.
  • Mobile phones are to kept switched off or in silent mode while in the library. Use of mobile phones is strictly prohibited & strict action will be taken if found using.
  • Newspapers should be folded properly and kept in the designated place after reading the same.
  • The computers must be used carefully by the students. The internet browsing is restricted only to educational purposes.
  • Users are not allowed to carry eatables/drinks inside the Library premises.
  • Library membership card is non-transferable.
  • Readers should not talk or discuss as they may disturb other readers. Reading halls are meant for individual study only.
  • Users should not rest or keep their feet on tables, chairs etc.
  • Marking, scratching, damaging, mutilating, stealing, library materials or property will invite disciplinary action against the defaulters.
  • A fine of rupees 10/- will be charged for every day of delay. While charging the fine, Sundays and holidays will also be considered.
  • The library shall not be responsible for any loss or damage of the personal belongings of the users.
  • No Ex-student or no outsider will be allowed to use the library except by the approval of the Principal.
  • The Librarian reserves the right to suspend the membership of any member found misbehaving with the library staff or with any other member.

Library Events:

Sr. No. Events Year Link
1 2024
2 2025